August 30th, 2018: Patineeti Chopra is one of those rare actresses in Bollywood who don’t shy away from being her natural self. Recently, despite the hectic schedule and back to back films, the actress decided to take a break. She went to the Maldives for vacation. Setting some major travel goals, Parineeti has flooded her Instagram with pictures from the island, and we can’t help but envy her. On Tuesday, she shared a picture in which she is taking a dip in the pool with her ’floating breakfast’. Looking at her gorgeous post, even Shilpa Shetty couldn’t help but comment.
Soon after Ishqzaade actress posted the picture, Shilpa rushed to her comment section and wrote, "I’m so jealous’’. Replying her Parineeti said, "At least you can eat this breakfast without body guilt.”
After attending her cousin Priyanka Chopra’s engagement with American singer Nick Jonas, Parineeti headed to the Maldives. Of late, she’s sharing series of pictures from her vacation while enjoying the peaceful beaches and playing water sports like scuba diving. Take a look at her stunning pictures from the vacation.
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