New Delhi, January 30, 2025: Mamta Kulkarni embarked on a spiritual journey by renouncing her worldly life and assuming a new identity of Mai Mamta Nand Giri on Friday. A video of the actress getting emotional during her ’sanyas’ ritual has gone viral on social media.
The clip shows the former actress breaking down in tears as she undergoes the spiritual ceremony. The video, which appears to have been recorded during her retreat to a spiritual centre, shows Mamta as she prepares to embrace the path of renunciation.
In the video, she is seen wearing a Rudraksha garland and dressed in saffron-coloured clothes.
VIDEO | Actor Mamta Kulkarni consecrated as a Hindu nun under the Kinnar Akhara. Earlier today, she took ’sanyas’ under the Kinnar Akhara by performing her own ’Pind Daan’ and will be consecrated as ’mahamandaleshwar’.
— Press Trust of India (@PTI_News) January 24, 2025
(Full video available on PTI Videos -…
According to media reports, the ’Karan Arjun’ fame actress officially embraced ’sanyas’ on Friday after arriving at the Kinnar Akhara during the Maha Kumbh. There, she met Acharya Mahamandaleshwar Dr Lakshmi Narayan Tripathi, who blessed her.
Mamta is said to have performed the ’Pind Daan’ ritual at the Sangam and her coronation ceremony took place at the Kinnar Akhara. As part of the ceremony, she was also given a new spiritual name: ’Shri Yamai Mamta Nand Giri.’
She has also been officially appointed as the Mahamandaleshwar of the Kinnar Akhara during a grand traditional ceremony.
In a recent interview with IANS, Mamta shared the reasons for her long absence from both India and the entertainment industry. She explained, "The reason for me leaving India was spirituality. In 1996, I became inclined towards spirituality, and during that time, I met Guru Gagan Giri Maharaj. After his arrival, my interest in spirituality grew, and my penance began. However, I believe Bollywood gave me both name and fame. After that, I quit Bollywood. From 2000 to 2012, I continued my penance. I spent many years in Dubai, where I lived in a two-bedroom flat and remained celibate for 12 years."
Mamta left the film industry after her role in the 2002 movie Kabhie Tum Kabhie Hu.