Mumbai, May 26, 2018 (NDTV): Shilpa Shetty and raj Kundra hosted a superhero-themed birthday party for their son Viaan on Friday evening, four days after his birthday. Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and her daughter Aaradhya topped the guests list. Sanjay Dutt and Maanyata’s twins Shahraan and Iqra were also marked present at the Shettys’ party. 6-year-old Viaan dressed up like Black Panther, Marvel Cinematic Universe’s latest superhero who won everyone’s heart. Aaradhya, it seems, skipped the memo about the dress code. Sharaan looked super cute dressed as Harry Potter -complete Gryffindor robe-jacket, a want and round-rimmed glasses. His twin sister Iqra added a Minnie Mouse bow to her hairdo.
The party was organised four days after the youngster’s birthday. On the day of Viaan’s birthday, he along with Shilpa and Raj visited an old age home and hosted a dinner.
Shilpa had shared the video at Instagram.