After months of will they or won’t they, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan has confirmed her film with husband, actor Abhishek Bachchan. Titled Gulab Jamun, the film will see Aishwarya and Abhishek coming together on screen after eight years.
Confirming the news in an interview with Mid Day, Aishwarya said that while the script had come to them nearly a year and a half back, they couldn’t take a call as Abhishek was keen on taking a break. Once, the chatter about the film began again, she asked him to decide and that’s when he came around. “AB and I agreed to do Gulab Jamun. I told AB that he needs to decide what he wants to do after Manmarziyan.”
Now, it may be recalled that the couple have of late been busy with their individual projects. While, Abhishek got back to films after a hiatus with Anurag Kashyap directorial, Manmarziyan, Aishwarya has been working on Fanney Khan with Anil Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao. The latter is set for release while Manmarziyan is set to be shown at Toronto International Film Festival.
Speaking further about Gulab Jamun, Aishwarya said it was a beautiful script and that Abhishek and she fitted the bill perfectly. “The script had to be interesting if a real-life couple is coming together.”
The couple was recently in news when an irate Abhishek took on trolls with a vengeance on their return from their vacation abroad. After telling off a website that speculated about the state of their marriage, Abhishek took on haters who wrote about his financial status and career.
Aishwarya and Abhishek remain one of the most popular Bollywood couples. Their pictures together -- be it from their holidays abroad or from social dos in amchi Mumbai -- go viral online. In fact, the fans of Aishwarya and the need to stay connected with them is the reason why the Bollywood diva decided to join Instagram in May this year, while she was in Cannes with daughter Aaradhya.