Parul Yadav, who shot to fame with the Kannada film ’Govindaya Namaha’ opposite Komal Kumar, has made it clear that she would not do item songs in future. Yadav will be seen in a song in ’Shravani Subramanya’ and it would be her first and last stint at item songs.
She also cleared that she took up the item song since producer KA Suresh gave her the break in ’Govindaya Namaha’, which turned out to be a blockbuster film.
Manju Swaraj, the director of ’Shravani Subramanya’, completed the shooting of the song in three days and maintains that the song is in sync with the screenplay of the film. Parul Yadav refuses to do any item songs in future Yadav will be seen in a song in ’Shravani Subramanya’ and it would be her first and last stint at item songs.
The film is expected to be released in November this year.