Recently, when the trailer of film Kamasutra 3D was unveiled, its lead actor Sherlyn Chopra was missing from the event. While the film has created a lot of buzz both in India and abroad, her absence at the event raised a few eyebrows.
Apparently, the makers of the film were miffed by her absence at the trailer launch and the film’s Director Rupesh Paul reportedly called her behavious as "unprofessional" while speaking to a newspaper.
Angry at being called "unprofessional" and a "nobody", Sherlyn took to Twitter today and lashed out at the Director letting out few expletives. She also said that she has quit the film.
Sherlyn Chopra tweeted: "I shot for KS3D for barely 5 days. I chose to quit the film without creating a ruckus........"
"As I have ZERO tolerance for Uncouthness, Unethicality, Insensitivity, Dubiousness, Unreliability, I felt compelled to quit the film.."
She further added: "The makers of KS3D cannot persuade me 2 promote the film anymore on any platform whatsoever."
She has about 1.1 million followers on Twitter. Driven by her tweets, her fans, too, started hurling abuses at the Director of the film.
She has still not returned our call for confirmation of the report. However, when we spoke with Director Rupesh Paul, he called this report baseless and confirmed that Sherlyn Chopra is very much a part of the film.
Rupesh Paul’s statement:
"We’ll it’s actually a new news for me to know that Sherlyn has quit the movie. As a director, I have shot all the scenes with her for my movie except for few promotional ones. Then I fail to understand when did she quit? After being a major part of us in Cannes, American Film Market, IFFI- Goa and more, even till the end month of the last year, when did she actually quit?
From her tweets, what i guess is, she is highly pissed of with her badly made, poorly sung and worsely acted single - ’Bad Girl’. I would be more than happy if she is getting some publicity for her single through this controversy.
She should not forget that it is Rupesh Paul and Kamasutra 3D who has brought her to the light of cinema from the stinking darkness of porn and filth, presenting her to the world and to her ’fans’ as an actress from a stripper. But then, how can I change someone’s ’DNA’?
All I want to say her is, "Dear Sherlyn, you can hire a pimp for your business, but spare your father* ".
(*Sherlyn used to call me ’Appa’, which means father in all South Indian languages. She is also a half South Indian as you already know)
Sherlyn Chopra has retweeted our story but she has not given out any statement to us as yet.