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Gang Rape video goes viral on WhatsApp. Help trace the rapists

Gang Rape video goes viral on WhatsApp. Help trace the rapists

Gang Rape video goes viral on WhatsApp. Help trace the rapists yahoo

HYDERABAD, feb 6: It was by pure fluke that she chanced upon two sleazy videos that were being circulated on the messaging service WhatsApp showing five men taking turns to gang-rape a woman.

What she did next may well help the police arrest and punish the rapists.

The video, believed to be at least six months old, was edited to protect the rape victim’s identity and highlight the faces of the rapists.



The edited video was posted by Sunitha Krishnan, an activist, on YouTube and Facebook, urging people to help identify the assaulters.

Newspapers, television channels and social networking sites have been showing the pictures of the six men and calling on the public to come forward with any information.

Indian women face a plethora of threats - from female foeticide, child marriage, dowry and honour killings to discrimination in health and education and crimes such as rape, domestic violence and human trafficking.

Activists say it is unlikely for women to report such crimes, largely because of deep-rooted conservatism where victims are scared to come forward for fear of being "shamed" by their family and community.

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