August 21, 2023: Nag Panchami is a traditional Hindu festival that is celebrated all across India. The day is considered highly auspicious. People worship Nag Dev or the snake god on this day. Every year, nag panchami is observed on the fifth day of Shukla Paksha in the month of Shravan. The unique festival is dedicated to snakes, and devotees seek their blessings through worship. It is also believed that people go to temples and offer milk to the snake god.
Worshipping Lord Shiva is also considered quite auspicious on this day, as the festival falls during the month of Shravan. This year, Nag Panchami will be celebrated on August 21. It is important to note that Nag Panchami falls on the 3rd Monday of the Shravan month. Many astrologers have revealed that the combination of Monday and Nag Panchami is quite rare and will be highly auspicious. Let’s look at some of the things that should be avoided on this day.
Do not hurt or kill snakes. Nag Panchami is the day of snakes, and worshipping the snake god is considered quite auspicious on this special day. It is important to note that the snakes should not be harmed or killed. It is believed that harming a snake can lead to various curses that are not just limited to the person, but to their family as well.
Avoid digging grounds. Snakes are believed to live under the ground. According to various astrologers, people should avoid digging grounds on Nag Panchami, as it can disrupt a snake’s house and have a negative impact on the person.
Avoid offering milk to real snakes. Many people offer milk to real snakes on Nag Panchami. Astrologers have revealed that milk is poison for snakes, and people should only offer it in temples.
Avoid using sharp objects. According to various Hindu scriptures, using sharp objects on Nag Panchami is considered quite inauspicious. People should also avoid doing activities like sewing and embroidery.
The Panchami tithi of Shukla Paksha in the month of Shravan starts at 12:21 am on August 21 and ends at 2:01 am on August 22. The puja muhurat for Nag Panchami is between 5:53 am and 8:30 am on August 21.