January 10, 2024: A woman recently took to X (formerly Twitter) to share a screenshot of her hilarious WhatsApp chat with her father. The screengrab shows the father correcting his daughter’s English and jokingly trolling her for wasting his money by attending an English medium school. "What is up with my dad?" X user anvi (@whyanviwhy) wrote while sharing the picture.
In the screenshot, the conversation between the duo began with the father informing that he had deposited ₹ 40,000 in her account. He even asked for a confirmation. To this, the X user replied, "Yes, found". This prompted her father to correct her, saying "Received". He also added, "English Medium me paisa barbad kiya mera [You wasted my money at an English Medium school]."
what is up w my dad 🙄 pic.twitter.com/6JJYHyJYyJ
— anvi 🧋 (@whyanviwhy) January 6, 2024
Anvi shared the screenshot of the conversation on X on Saturday and since then the post has accumulated nearly 100,000 views and over 19,000 likes. Several users took to the comments section to express their thoughts.
"Dad: part-time father, full-time savage," wrote one user. "Uncle being the coolest," commented another.
"He is realising what he got for his years of investment!" jokingly said a third user. "He clearly wants a refund now," hilariously added another.
"Your dad is humorous. Great to have such a dad who can understand humour," expressed a fifth.
Meanwhile, there have been several such instances where fathers have replied hilariously to their daughters. In another such incident, a man shared a sweet revenge her daughter took after a minor disagreement over an issue. She prepared a notice of "father on sale" and put it outside the door of her house. The eight-year-old also placed a bid for her father at ₹ 200,000. Sharing the photo of the notice on X (formerly Twitter), the man added a funny note that he thinks he is not "valued enough".
One such conversation was also shared by MoMo on Twitter (now rebranded as X) last year. In it, the father roasted the woman over a blood report and it went viral on the internet. The father informed that he has picked up the blood reports of the daughter and a friend. To which, the daughter replied "okay," and then he compared their blood reports. "Reports mai bhi wo A+ hai aur tu B- (In the reports she is also A+ and you are B-)," the father wrote.