September 23, 2023: The film "Jawan," directed by Atlee and featuring Shah Rukh Khan in the lead role, has become a blockbuster hit at the box office, shattering numerous revenue records. This cinematic success story extends far beyond national borders, with the movie’s global collections reaching an astonishing figure of ₹ 907.54 crore, firmly establishing it as a record-breaking phenomenon.
Fans are expressing their admiration for their favorite star in various ways, from creating dance videos to adopting Shah Rukh Khan’s iconic style and visiting cinemas in his signature outlook as a heartfelt tribute.
Recently, a social media user shared a video that shows him boarding a train while dressed as Shah Rukh Khan’s character Azad from the film. "Jawan look kaisa laga comments main batao [How is my Jawan look, say in comments]?" reads the caption posted along with the video.
The video clip begins with a close-up of a man’s head. His face and hand are wrapped in bandages, and he has a slight limp. He is sitting on a bench in a crowded train station, surrounded by curious passengers. The man walks towards the train, boards the train, and finds a seat in the compartment. The clip also captures him reclining in one of the train seats.
This video was uploaded on September 8 and has garnered nearly 1.8 million views since its posting. It has also generated a range of comments and reactions from viewers.