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Meet the man who claims dolphin ’seduced’ him into having ’sex’

Meet the man who claims dolphin ’seduced’ him into having ’sex’

Meet the man who claims dolphin ’seduced’ him into having ’sex’ dailymail

London, Feb 2 : A Florida-based man, who had sex with Dolly the dolphin in a year-long "relationship" in 1971, has revealed that it only happened because she "seduced" him.

In a new 15 minute documentary, the 63-year-old Malcolm Brenner, from Punta Garda, said that he started rubbing her along her back, working her way to her flukes, her tail and as he was rubbing her and moving her hand towards her tail, Dolly was slowly rolling around her long axis, the Mirror reported.


Malcom Brenner...

In the film, ’Dolphin Lover,’ an animation of what it’s like to have sex with a dolphin is played to viewers to help them with their imaginations.

Brenner, who was given free access to the dolphins at the former theme park in Sarasota Florida, where he lived, and became friends with her by going swimming with her, said in an interview that there’s something quite transcendental about making love with a dolphin as she was very special.

Brenner, who was a photographer at that time, mentioned that she announced her intentions to him by positioning herself so he was rubbing against her, adding at first he discouraged her as he wasn’t interested, but after some time he thought "if this was a woman would I come up with these rationalisations and excuses?"


Malcom Brenner...

He added that it was when the park was closing that they successfully eluded the male dolphin so we could spend some time alone.

He said that he called it a relationship because that’s what it was and when she died it made him feel terrible and so he fell into a depression which lasted five years.

Dolly was moved away when the park closed nine months after they had first met and Brenner says that he believes her death, a short time later, was a case of suicide and that she voluntarily stopped breathing.


While Brenner’s experience is undoubtedly out of the ordinary, there are other recorded incidents of dolphins having sex with humans - or at least trying to.

One well-documented case involves a female scientist who started having sex with a dolphin in the 1960s as part of a Nasa experiment to try to teach the creatures to speak English.



Margaret Howe Lovatt was stationed in a flooded house in the U.S. Virgin Isles in 1963, where she was tasked with trying to teach an adolescent dolphin called Peter.

’Precious and gentle’: Margaret Howe Lovatt, who had sex with a dolphin called Peter, above, in 1963, has also opened up about her relationship

At first she let Peter relieve his urges with female dolphins kept nearby - but later claimed it helped the experiment to let him have sex with her, instead.

In a BBC film about the relationship, she said: ’Peter liked to be... with me. He would rub himself on my knee, my foot or my hand and I allowed that.

’I wasn’t uncomfortable - as long as it wasn’t too rough... It was just easier to incorporate that and let it happen, it was very precious and very gentle, Peter was right there, he knew that I was right there.’

’It was sexual on his part - it was not sexual on mine, sensuous perhaps... I was there to get to know Peter, that was part of Peter.’

Dolphins also often target their advances on humans who have no interest in reciprocating.

Several tourists at dolphin swimming events have been leaped on and mounted by aroused dolphins, often to the amusement of onlookers, whose videos of the events have gained significant attention.

However, the dangers of an advance can in some situations be very real, given the strength and size of dolphins, who often weigh more than 400lbs.

In 2002, swimmers on the English coast were warned of a dolphin which tried to attack a series of female swimmers in the sea by encircling them and isolating them from their companions.

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