Apr 27, 2019: Derek C Lalchhanhima, the boy from Mizoram who became a social media star for his act of kindness, has now received an award by PETA India. The six-year-old boy became an overnight sensation on the internet after a photo of him with an injured chick in hospital went viral. After accidentally running over the baby bird with his cycle, Lalchhanhima rushed the chick to a hospital with all the money he had to ensure it got medical treatment.
The boy received a lot of praise online for his actions and earlier received a special certificate from his school.
PETA India has awarded him a ‘Compassionate Kid’ Award for inspiring other children.
“Developing empathy for animals is a key step towards developing empathy for – and rejecting violence against – all beings, including humans. It’s important, therefore, that students learn at an early age that the animals with whom we share this planet are, in many ways, not so different from us,” PETA India said in a statement.
With Rs 10 rupees in his hand, Lalchhanhima had rushed to the hospital on the advice of his father and begged the staff there to treat the chick. However, the hospital staff told him that it was too late as the chick had already died.
Although he couldn’t save the bird, the photo of the upset child holding the money and chick in either hand touched a chord with thousands of people online.
The class one student, who studies at the St. Pio school in Sairang, can barely make sense of his overnight fame.
“After the award, people are teasing him, saying, ‘You have now become a celebrity’. He didn’t even understand that and asked me, ’Mom, what is a celebrity?’” Derek’s mother, Lalnunpuii, had earlier told the IndianExpress.com.