October 27, 2023: A video featuring a drone masquerading as the revered Hindu deity Hanuman (Bajrangbali) has surfaced online and taken social media by storm. The clip, which was filmed in Chhattisgarh, showcases the striking scene of people releasing the drone into the sky, creating a spectacle reminiscent of Lord Hanuman’s legendary flights.
The video was originally posted on Instagram by Vinal Gupta, a photographer known for sharing captivating glimpses of Ambikapur, a city in Chhattisgarh.
This inspiring visual is believed to have been captured during the Dussehra celebrations held earlier in October. It depicts the drone, shaped according to the divine figure of Hanuman, soaring gracefully in the sky as if bestowing blessings upon the people below.
However, this is not the first time someone has hatched the idea of infusing technology with faith. Nine years ago, a similar remarkable sight of another Hanuman drone also graced the skies of Ludhiana, where locals were equally enchanted by the unique event.
Courtesy: India Today